Thursday, March 3, 2011

Exit Through The Gift Shop

I don't know what to believe about this film. In some ways I think that it was all a hoax but in other ways I think it could be completely truthful. I wasn't aware that Banksy had a history of being a prankster, but with that knowledge it still doesn't sway my opinion. I just think that this was too big of a project for it to all be a joke. They said that they spent years working on it, why would anyone spend so much time on a project if it is only a joke? There is the factor that Banksy is so adamant about keeping his identity a secret, so why would he be okay with someone following him around and filming him? There are just so many questions that will go unanswered I suppose. The documentary was very interesting but it made me angry with how cocky and over-bearing MBW became. He was nothing before he started following around these artists and then he basically became bigger than all the artists he filmed. The only reason he became so big was because of what Banksy said about him, it just ticked me off with how annoying he became because at the beginning I did want to like him. By the end of the film my whole attitude towards him changed.

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