Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mon Oncle

This film was one of the most interesting films that I have ever seen. Not only does the director go into such great detail but he also made his own sounds for everyday occurrences. The one that sticks out in my mind was how it sounded more like a shot being fired for when they open and closed the car door. I think that it is very admirable that the director obviously took a lot of time and dedication to be able to go into such great detail. Every move was deliberated exactly how he wanted and I am sure that if it wasn't right, he had the actors do it over and over again. There was one scene where the woman was at the market getting vegetables and there was just a way about how she went about picking up the vegetables that kept you interested. That is another thing, if there wasn't all the detail I think this film would be rather boring to watch. I do think that at times the detail kind of got in the way but in the end it definitely made for an interesting watch.

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