Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a very iconic film, play, and book. It has been around ever since I can remember and will probably still be around when my children get to school age. To make a book into a play is one thing, but to make a play and a book into a movie would be very difficult I assume. There would have to be a screen writer that has a lot of experience because he or she would have to cut the playwright down quite a bit to fit it on film, and of course there would have to be an abundance of research that would need to be put into what can be cut out and what needs to stay in. I think the actor's in the film did a great job at researching their roles. I believe whole-heartedly that to do a good job in the film world, you need to be able to put the time in to get your characters point across. For the actors to have sat in on a psychiatric ward was probably one of the best research methods they could have done. For them they can see how the patients acted and responded to different stimuli. There is also an argument that they could have copied one or two of the patients, but I still think that it was a great research method for each of the actors.

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