Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rio Bravo

Rio Bravo is definitely a film that I will not forget. The acting for one thing caught me off guard because it was so good. Dean Martin really blew me away in every single one of his scenes. The western genre definitely does have a stereotype placed on it. There is always the good guy and the bad guy and they are pinpointed out from the beginning. This film did that but in a more subtle way I believe. I guess it was more subtle because this is an older movie and subtlety is the only thing they have. The part that I loved the most was when the two men finally get together for their "duel." The most I remember and think about when I think of westerns is how they meet in the saloon and look at each other for a long period of time until one of the men finally pulls out their gun. I was pleased to see that this film did not do that. This film was one of the great ones and it will remain one of my favorites.

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