Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pan's Labyrinth

I believe that the writer/ director chose to use both the real life event along with the fantasy to make the fantasy that much more real. It takes a lot to make a fake world seem real. By using actual events, like the director did, it makes us, the audience, believe more in the fantasy. Not only do we believe more but we also want so much for that "fake" world to be a reality. I do think that in some cases movies that are based solely on fantasy get too wrapped up in that world, and steer so far away from reality that it gets really hard to believe in the end. I feel like in every movie there is always a factor of obedience and disobedience. There is a always a question of should I or shouldn't I? It is the existential question. The main point of disobedience that I saw was when Ophelia ate some grapes when she was told not to, but then of course she was given another chance, which always seems to happen in movies, no matter where they come from. To me this movie wasn't my favorite but it was very interesting to watch.

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