Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thin Red Line

Thin Red Line was a very interesting movie for me. I thought that it was a very well directed and acted film, but like you said there was no plot. I found myself waiting for the climax of the film to happen. I was rather disappointed when it never came but I do have to say that I do respect Mallick's out of context way of making a film. Obviously he didn't go with the normal way of making a film and if you ask me that takes a lot of courage. There were an enormous amount of A-List actors but there didn't seem to be a lead character. All of them were kind of in the same boat. This was also a different way of directing a film. Normally you know right off hand, when the movie starts, who is the lead character and this makes you fall in love with the actor in the film and you find yourself rooting for them. In this film I had no feelings for any of the actors. I wasn't able to connect to any certain character because there wasn't enough character build. All in all though I do believe that Mallick did get his point across, in a very different way, but it was still a great film!

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